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Grey Days 2024

In a world of black and white ideas, we choose complexity and nuance, seeking out the precise shade requiredto face each challenge. Grey areas can be ambiguous - it takes confidence to push into that void and find ourplace on an infinite spectrum, but we don’t shy away. Grey doesn't have an absolute definition; everythinghinges on the past, present, and future intersecting. It is the active balance of opposites, the merging of thought.Echoing in the past, but with eyes towards the future - Grey means now.

Echoing the past, but with eyes towards the future, you should use the color grey to cement our relationship withgrey spaces in a premium and considered way.

Grey is the space where we choose to play. Grey's eternal values are embedded within, and GREY IS ETERNAL.

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New Balance Grey Day Pop-Up by CROSSOVER

Crossover TRX, Project Room
10th May to 31st May
10:00am to 10:00pm

#NewBalanceMY #GreyDay2024 #GreyIsEternal #Crossover